Currently, around 20 per cent of candidate drugs fail during standard regulatory nonclinical studies, too often due to late identification of toxicological effects. Using CIT’s LeadScreen™, the early detection of potential toxicity can significantly increase the chances of success when the candidate drug goes through the later stages of non-clinical development. The speed, competitive price and efficacy of LeadScreen™ offers the ability to reduce considerably the financial cost and time associated with standard drug development practices.
The new LeadScreen™ services are fast. From the start of the study to delivery of the results takes only 14 days - a real competitive advantage over tests currently on the market. As well as saving time, LeadScreen™ presents other advantages such as its requirement for only a small quantity of the compound - and attractive pricing...
...About CIT
CIT is a science-driven, independent, non-clinical contract research organization (CRO) specialized in safety and health research. Founded in 1969, CIT has carried out a vast number of projects for international companies on human and veterinary pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemicals, agrochemicals and consumer products. It has contributed to many product registrations around the world. With a staff of 360, CIT offers a full range of research in general toxicology, reproductive toxicology, carcinogenicity, pharmacokinetics and safety pharmacology... [PDF] CIT's Press Release - PDF du communiqué de presse CIT -