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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

SpineGuard : over 1,000 PediGuard® units sold in 2Q 2010, a 125% increase compared to 2Q 2009

spineguardSAN FRANCISCO and PARIS, July 6, 2010 - SpineGuard reports over 1,000 PediGuard® units sold in 2Q 2010, a 125% increase compared to 2Q 2009SpineGuard, a privately held company based in San Francisco and Paris, announced that PediGuard units sold in the second quarter of 2010 increased by 125% compared to the same period in 2009.
The boost in sales was due primarily to the broad company focus and extensive market expansion of the CE-marked and FDA-cleared PediGuard device, which is designed for safer pedicle screw placement in spine surgery. Nearly one million1 spine procedures using pedicle screws were performed in 2009. According to published studies, pedicle screws show high rates of misplacements that can lead to a number of serious complications for patients, including paralysis...


...Co-founded by Pierre Jérôme and Stéphane Bette, former executives at Medtronic Sofamor-Danek and SpineVision, SpineGuard’s mission is to make spine surgery safer and its primary objective to establish its FDA-cleared and CE Marked PediGuard® device as the global standard of care for safer pedicle screw placement in spine surgery... [PDF] SpineGuard's Press Release -