HybLive™ is the first open microarray platform allowing real-time measurement of the on-slide hybridization and melting of target molecules to thousands of probes simultaneously. It enables a variety of applications such as rapid verification and validation of probe design, environmental sample monitoring, multiplex on-chip melting curves determination, on-chip DNA and protein interaction studies... With its high sensitivity and excellent discriminative power, HybLive™ also enables reliable genotyping studies and even SNP discrimination using unamplified genomic DNA... Genewave's Press Release -
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Genewave : Launch of the First Real-Time Microarray Platform: HybLive
PALAISEAU, France, May 5, 2008 -- Genewave S.A.S. announced that it will introduce HybLive™, its fully automated microarray platform, at AMT Conference in Barcelona on May the 7th and 8th. HybLive™ combines hybridization, washing, melting and real-time fluorescence imaging in a compact benchtop package.