Nantes, January 15th, 2008 - The biotechnology company TcLand Expression SA and its partners, Nantes’ University Hospital, Atlanstat, and Nantes' "GIS Ouest Genopole" transcriptomics platform, today announced the creation of CIMNA, a unique integrated immunomonitoring service platform located in Nantes.
CIMNA will be managed by TcLand Expression SA (one of the Atlantic Biotherapies Competitiveness Cluster’s leading companies).
With immune response profiling and monitoring being acknowledged key elements in the development of new biotherapies - particularly in the areas of auto-immune disorders, infectious disease, cancer, transplantation, allergies and vaccines, CIMNA’s ambition is to become a major European player in immunomonitoring by providing clinical investigators and industrial researchers with access to a high-quality, one-stop shop. By bringing together all the local stakeholders in the field of immunomonitoring, the Center will offer a critical mass of services in an environment meeting industrial standards... [PDF] TcLand's Press Release -
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